GS COMPREHENSIVE BATCH STARTS FROM - 17TH March 2025 Join Our Optional Programme



Interview Guidance Program (IGP) at Samkalp is highly acclaimed and the most trustworthyprogram of the kind. It is well known throughout India for the quality and confidence building capability to the candidates appearing Personality Test by UPSC.

Samkalp has the most eligible team to train and evaluate candidates as per the situations and requirements of the UPSC Interview Board.The interview panel at Samkalp consists of eminent personalities, experts from various fields, retired & working bureaucrats. They are well accomplished and well known personalities who have/ have been holding a dignified position in the society through their dedication to work, perseverance, rationality and pragmatic thoughts and actions. Since they are the expertise from different fieldsand experienced bureaucrats who have been associated with the Government of India for various accomplishments, they are the best persons to advise and frame the mind of the candidates as per the requirement of a potential bureaucrat.

By now Interview Guidance Program (IGP) conducted by Samkalp has been branded as most effective and useful instrument for enhancing the confidence of the aspirants called for interview before UPSC Boards. The phenomenal success ratio of the candidates enrolling for our Interview Guidance Program (IGP) every year is the evidence. The experience of the of the successful candidates about the Interview Guidance Program (IGP) at Samkalp and how it has benefitted them in UPSCCSE Interview , are expressed in our quarterly publication – “SamyakDrishti”.

Special Session

During this Mock Interview Program number of Special sessions are organized for the benefit of aspirants called for interview by the UPSC. Among them a few are:

Session on hobbies

In the application aspirants mention about their hobbies. Many questions are asked by Board Members on these particular issues Samkalp organized hobby sessions are conducted by expert faculty who discusses with the aspirants on the hobbies they have mentioned in their application forms from different angles so that the aspirants are equipped to face any question and give convincing reply on this aspect.

National Issues

Contemporary issues related to Social, Economic & Environmental Matters are discussed in a lecture & question answer session

International Issues

Events happening in International arena which directly or indirectly influence us or the living being at large are also taken up in lecture programs by experts. Aspirants are given to ask questions & clarification on the related topics.

Current Affairs

Since Current Affairs are an important matter for the interview, to sharpen the information and knowledge among the aspirants, Samkalp during the interview guidance Program organizes seminar/lecture Programs on Current Affairs. Eminent persons/social activists in their lectures on Current Affairs topics analyses the issues objectively and also keep the aspirants informed being discussed from different angles.


Candidates called for interview are from different states. Candidates registered with Samkalp for interview guidance are practically coming from all the states. As such number of sessions are organized state-wise to give them enough exposure on the topography, culture, heritage, tourism potentiality, culture, economy and other factors which are directly and essentially related to the common people of the states.


Candidates coming for interview have a optional subject for their mains examination. Therefore, during interview they are asked many a questions related to the chosen optional subject by the candidate. To brush up the information and knowledge of the relevant two subjects Samkalp conducts special lecture Program on few optional subjects. Eminent teaching faculties take such special classes.

Educational Background

Civil Services aspirants come from various educational background. And the aspirants take up one optional subject based on their educational background as a specialized subject or take up any convenient subject as per their interest in case the subject in which he or she graduated is not available as optional in UPSC CSE. Educational background and optional subject is an essential and indispensable part of the interview. Candidates need to be clear and prepare well to face any kind of queries about their educational background. All possible questions and ways to prepare for it is briefed in this session.

Mock Interview

Under this Interview Guidance Program a Mock Interview is a facility as well as strong mechanism to enhance the confidence of the aspirants and to make them familiar to face the UPSC conducted interviews. Under this Program which continues for almost 45 days on an average 10 Mock Interview Boards are formed. The Mock Interview Continue from 10:00 AM in the morning to 05:30 in the evening. Each Mock Board consists of very senior Retired/Working Bureaucrats, renowned academicians and highly qualified professional from different fields and distinguished personnel from different social services.

Individual Mocks

We form interview boards in different rooms in a manner which is similar to that of UPSC Interview Boards which is constituted by a Chairman alongwith board members. Board Members and Chairman takes interview of the Individual for about 35 minutes. After that all the members guide the candidate about his performance, any deficiency and some tips for makeup his deficiency and enhances performance. Candidates are allowed to question anything such as his dress, his sitting postures, his entering etc. Board Members reply and guide the candidate against all his questions with pleasure.

Group Mocks

During the Interview Guidance Program several group mocks are arranged. Here group mock few candidates appeared before a senior/serving bureaucrat who based on his long and wide ranging experience in the functioning of bureaucracy guides and helps the candidates to response and answer in the UPSC Board. Here when one individual candidate is interviewed by the bureaucrat it becomes a lesson for other candidates appearing there. In this manner, the group of candidates get fast and in depth guidance to face the UPSC Interview.

Feedback Session

After individual mock interview candidates are directed to attend the feedback session. Here candidates is allowed to explain his performance in the mock interview. The faculty asses the candidates by inquiring about their performance –what questions were asked and how it was replied. Here faculty guides the candidates regarding fine tuning and correctness of his performance and reply.

Our Results Data

The success ratio of the no. of candidates enrolled for Interview Guidance Program (IGP) at Samkalp to the final selections in UPSC is remarkable, and it is the highest in India as compared to any other coaching institutes.

Every year upto 65% of the total no. of successful candidates in UPSCCSE have joined our Interview Guidance Program (IGP).

Following is the track record of no. of successful candidates who have joined our renowned Interview Guidance Program (IGP) and made their way to Civil Services:

Year Vacancies Announced by UPSC Selections Through Interview Guidance Program (IGP) from SamkalpIAS Success Ratio (Out of the total no. of vacancies announced by UPSC)
2009 781 380 48.60%
2010 875 444 50.70%
2011 920 451 49.00%
2012 910 440 48.30%
2013 998 435 43.50%
2014 1122 585 54.10%
2015 1236 670 54.20%
2016 1078 648 60.10%
2017 1099 689 62.60%
2018 990 649 65.50%
2019 759 466 61.30%